Greater Lincolnshire LEP Conference

8th October 2018

On Friday 28 September 2018, Lincolnshire Showground hosted the Greater Lincolnshire LEP Conference. Attended by over 200 delegates,  our Lincoln-based team included, the Conference – led by Ursula Lidbetter MBE – focused on Robotics and Automation, Digitalisation, Skills and Energy and Water. Ursula Lidbetter, Chair to the Greater Lincolnshire LEP, outlined the key themes of the Local Industrial Strategy: automation in agrifood, health & care innovation, future skills needs, smart energy supply, better connectivity and an innovative visitor economy, and took delegates through the various pitfalls and misunderstandings surrounding the themes – Brexit being one of those.

Delegates also had the opportunity of listening to Sir John Peace, Keynote Speaker, discuss the future of the Lincolnshire economy – noting that “we need a more balanced economy, and to achieve that, businesses need to be more agile and work together”.

The conference certainly gave delegates food for thought – both in terms of what the future held for their businesses, but also all businesses in the Greater Lincolnshire area. There was plenty of opportunity to network and create new contacts, and for a County going through an unprecedented period of development and investment, the event was extremely beneficial to all in attendance.

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